Sunday, October 16, 2011

Setting Good Examples for Strong Healthy Kids

If you lead by consistent example, your children will sure to follow suit...

[Left] Me with my cousin, in May 2010, receiving a medal for finishing my first 1/2 Marathon.
[Right] My older daughter at 6 years old, in October 2011 with a friend, receiving a medal for finishing her first 1 Mile Kids Run.

[Left] My husband in October of 2010 on the first day of the MS150 Bike Tour (his 3rd Tour - a fundraiser to fight Multiple Sclerosis). Tackling a hill in rainy weather from Irvine to San Diego, CA (104 miles ridden the first day - 46 miles the second day)
[Right] My older daughter at 5 years old, in a Bike-A-Thon Fundraiser for her preschool, February 2010 (she rode 33 laps).

[Left] My husband in Summer of 2010 at the Churro Challenge - Soccer Tournament with my younger daughter by his side.
[Right] My younger daughter at 4 years old, in September 2011, in her first ever AYSO game.

As parents of young children, my husband and I have an overwhelming sense of responsibility that go beyond providing the basic sustenance and material needs. Instilling strong values, respect for others, and the value of education are top priorities. In addition, which is equally as important to us, is the appreciation for a healthy and active lifestyle. We strive to teach our children each and every day. We are certainly imperfect in our pursuit, but we work together and never lose track of our goals to raise our kids into solid, confident, well-rounded adults. I believe the easiest and simplest way to achieve these goals is to live our lives the way we would want them to generally live theirs.

"You speak volumes by what you do and how you live your life vs. what you say." Gabrielle Reece (when asked how she and husband, Laird Hamilton, instill a healthy lifestyle for their children)

I love this quote. For me, it sums it all up. You do not have to be super wealthy or be pro athlete to influence your kids to live active and eat right. You just need to do it. Engage them in activities, teach them the importance of good nutrition and lead by example.

Cheers to all parents, it's the toughest, most important, most joyous and most fulfilling job you are blessed to have!

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