Monday, August 29, 2011

Let the Kids Cook! Yummy Pancakes...

Today was a great morning. I ran/walk 2 miles with my 6 year old preparing her for her first 1 Mile Kids Run in October. A little quality time and a little workout. She worked up quite an appetite.

Unless I am really pressed for time, when my family requests pancakes for breakfast, I almost always make buttermilk pancakes from scratch (recipe below). The advantage, you can control the ingredients and it tastes so fresh. I also let the kids get involve. I believe it is really important to let children be familiar with cooking early. It teaches them so many valuable things, such basic measuring, sequencing of ingredients, and the satisfaction of the fruits of their labor. Not to mention, how fun it is and how much more healthier it is for them to eat freshly prepared foods.

Getting our cook on: as the responsible parent, I assign tasks that are age appropriate. I have two daughters, Estellina 4 and Sophia 6. I let the younger one measure, pour and mix the batter. Be forewarn, it can get messy, but it's ok, it's worth it! On the latter part, I supervise my 6 year old while I teach her to wait to warm the griddle to a certain temperature and how to measure the right amount of batter for each pancake. Just recently, I have gained confidence in her to let her actually flip the pancakes. Here they are in action with me by their proud of them.

Este getting the batter started. She loves to be involved...

Sophia (standing on a small step stool) has pure concentration as she flips each pancake...

Time to enjoy "the fruits of our labor"...served with simple eggs, potato hash and fresh orange juice. Oh, so good!!!

Buttermilk Pancakes
Makes nine 6-inch pancakes
The key to fluffy pancakes is not to overmix the batter; it should not be beaten smooth.
2cups whole wheat flour
2teaspoons baking powder
1teaspoon baking soda
1/2teaspoon sea salt
3tablespoons sugar
2large eggs , lightly beaten
3cups low-fat buttermilk
4tablespoons unsalted butter , melted (cool a bit before adding to mixture)
1. Heat griddle to about 375°. Whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl. Add eggs, buttermilk, and 4 tablespoons butter; whisk to combine. Batter should have small to medium lumps.
2. Heat oven to 175°. Test griddle by sprinkling a few drops of water on it. If water bounces and spatters off griddle, it is hot enough. Using a pastry brush, brush about 1/2 teaspoon of additional butter.
3. Using a 4-ounce ladle, about 1/2 cup, pour pancake batter, in pools 2 inches away from one other. When pancakes have bubbles on top and are slightly dry around edges, about 2 1/2 minutes, flip over. Cook until golden on bottom, about 1 minute.
4. Repeat with remaining batter, keeping finished pancakes on a heatproof plate in oven. Serve warm.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Banana Nut Crumb Muffins

I am so notorious for tossing out over ripe bananas as I like to eat them almost green. Bad, bad, habit. In looking to change my ways and be less wasteful, I searched and found a basic recipe for banana muffins. Of course, in the true spirit of my master baker grandmother, I tweaked it a bit to make it just a little more exciting. I added a streusel topping, walnuts and I used wheat flour instead of white. This is a great and easy recipe to make use of those over ripe bananas and a good alternative to your standard banana bread recipe.

On the way to the oven...I like to fill muffin cups almost to the top with batter, so you really get an overflow, and well, a "muffin a top."

This is fresh out of the oven. The muffins are golden brown. They have overflowed and connected to one another...not to worry, with a simple slice they separate pretty easily.

Awwww...the best part, dig in!

Banana Nut Crumb Muffins Recipe


  • For Batter
  • 1 1/2 cups wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 over ripe bananas, mashed
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1/3 cup real butter, melted (cool down a bit before adding)
  • 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2/3 cup walnut pieces

For Streusel
  • 2 tablespoons wheat flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoon real butter
  • 1/3 cup walnut pieces


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees . Line with muffin papers 10-11 muffin cups .
  2. Streusel: In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour and cinnamon. Cut in 2 tablespoon butter until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Stir in nuts. Set aside.
  3. Batter: In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugar, egg and melted butter. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened. Stir in nuts. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups (almost to the top).
  4. Sprinkle Streusel over the top of each muffin.
  5. Bake in preheated oven for about 20 to 22 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Hot Yoga Essentials

About 2 years ago my good friends Cathy and Richard introduced me to Hot Yoga or more specific the Dayton Method which derived from Bikram. It's about 26 postures and 90 minutes long. I took my first introductory class in October 2009 and I was hooked. I loved the fact that it was challenging at the same time very calming. All you needed to succeed was to put forth effort into each and every single pose in midst of calming the mind through the heat. Yoga is a very mental practice over physical and there's always room to improve. Yoga simply means "Union" and "Balance." After just a few classes my body felt elongated and my flexibility improved tremendously. A few benefits of yoga is it calms the mind, reduces stress and anxiety, improves balance, strength and flexibility, and increases circulation. Not to mention it is very energizing once you're done. I love to practice yoga early in the morning as it sets my whole day for peace.

My yoga essentials are very simple. There's not much you need to get started. The one thing I did splurged on was buying a couple Lululemon yoga pants because they are just so darn comfortable and shapes you like you would not believe. I also justified it as a double investment as I can also run long distance in my Lululemon workout pants or tights as they say. Otherwise, I have inexpensive yoga tops from Target that have light support to get you through the poses, my yoga tote to carry my mat (which TJ Maxx has at bargain price, as low $10), water, and towel (I just use a large one from home, sometimes a beach towel). The best thing is you don't need shoes! I simply wear my flip flops before and after class and done.

There is so many advantages to practicing yoga ask anyone who's practiced a while, they'll talk your ear off. Hot Yoga is only one form of the practice. There is many other versions that are not quite so hot and duration not as long. I encourage you to look into your local studios. Most of them will have a one - two week introductory membership to test ride the classes...take advantage of these. I find in my classes that there are about an equal amount of women to men that practice. It really is for everyone and at any level of fitness. Although, I have been trying for two years to get my hubby to come with, he hesitates. He has some soccer injuries that come back to haunt him at times and yoga would be so good for it...maybe one day. Also, most yoga instructors are very supportive, earthy people, knowledgeable practitioners so no need to be intimidated when taking your first class. Yoga is the best, it's a workout, I promise. Namaste!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Tomato & Basil Bruschetta

This simple and delicious appetizer (It. broo-sket-tah) is a favorite of mine and my Italian hubby. It is so easy to make and not to mention so quick, healthy and inexpensive. I have experimented with a bunch of variations (as well as deconstructed Bruschetta restaurant versions to learn what's in it), but I always go back to these simple steps where you can really taste each of the flavors. Here's what you'll need:

Ingredients (yields two adult size servings which you can double, triple...)

2 Diced Roma Tomatoes - remove inner core
2-3 Tablespoons (I eye ball it) Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1-2 Teaspoons (I eye ball it) Balsamic Vinegar
1-2 Fresh Garlic Gloves - roughly chopped
3-4 Fresh Basil Leaves- cut into tiny strips
Sea Salt & Freshly Ground Black Pepper to taste
6 -8 Slices French Baguette - cut on the bias about 1/4 inch thick

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place bread pieces on foil lined baking sheet. Drizzle top of bread with a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Toast in oven for about 5 minutes (use less time if you do not like it too crunchy). While waiting for bread to toast, in medium size bowl mix Tomatoes, EVOO, Balsamic Vinegar, Garlic, Basil, Salt & Pepper to taste. Take bread pieces out of oven. Spoon a good amount of mixture on top of each bread and return to oven for another 3-4 minutes just to heat a bit. Serve and enjoy!!!

*Time & money saving tip: I got all ingredients at Trader Joe's. They have great prices on Olive Oil and for about $2 you can get a boat load of Basil.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

French Toast Heaven!

I love Sundays, for that's the one day I really can take time to prepare a special breakfast or brunch for my family. Today I made French Toast and Fresh Fruit Salad. (Child size portion shown above complete with kid friendly plastic plate). Any mom can make this meal and cooking fresh is so much healthier for you and your family than eating out. I feel good giving this to my kids because it's loaded with "good for you stuff," protein, antioxidants, calcium and vitamins. Now I used a white country bread fresh from the bakery, but if you want to be super duper healthy you can make this with whole wheat bread. I believe in the 80/20 rule when it comes to food. 80% good all of the time and 20% ok to be a little bad.

A little tip I learned to make your Fruit Salad look fresh longer (especially the bananas), squeeze a little lemon juice on top and mix lightly. Let's face it, we eat with our eyes, at least I do, and fresh looking is always more appealing. The kids devoured it and time to enjoy the rest of our day.