Saturday, May 29, 2010

Almost Done With 14 Day Challenge

I'm almost done with the 14 day challenge "Take Control of Your Health" through the I'm on day 13. I'm so glad I did this. It really helped me focus even more clearly on my goals. I want to achieve being fit and this requires eating the right foods and exercising regularly. It's as simple as that. By doing this challenge I was more aware of the effects of gluten (yuk!), more cautious about sugar and salt (only use Sea Salt as it is natural) and even more aware that it's probably a good idea to have a daily vitamin supplement and drink a TON of water. I tried quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) for the first time (family love it), and it was pretty of the highest content of protein when it comes to grains and it's gluten free---bonus! Cooked it as a substitute for rice. I tired Blue Agave Nectar as substitute for sugar...loved it, it was so subtle, but great tasting...a little went a long way...even put a little on my kids' toast. Made baked sweet potato fries from scratch...although it wasn't as crunchy as I like, it was good and good for you. The best part was all it was available right here at my local Trader Joe's. I've learned to portion my meals where it's almost automatic that I eat more frequent smaller meals (this was not easy, it took a while to really get use to this). It just feels good to fuel the body's sets me up for my second goal of balance in life. It makes me a better mom and wife by passing on these good habits to them.

I'm still a work in progress, but on the right track. I ran 5 miles this morning. I made no excuses despite an oncoming of a sore concession was running 5 instead of 10 to take it easy. I know most are saying, great for you, you have a head start. The thing about is when I started training in March of this year, I started with 2 mile runs and worked up to my current speed and distance. The important part is to start. Every little bit counts! Next for me is figuring out a way to incorporate weight training...this is a must for me and easier said than done...I'll keep you posted.

Looking forward to my final challenge tomorrow!!! Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend!

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