Saturday, March 24, 2012

Always Make Time for Breakfast {egg scramble & sprouted bread}

One of my favorite meals of the day is Breakfast. I'm a firm believer that no one should ever skip out on eating breakfast as it fuels you for your whole day. Usually I keep it simple, mainly oatmeal most days, but when I have a spare minute or two I love to make egg scrambles with veggies for me and my growing family. I don't usually do omelets for the sheer fact that they always fall apart on me, so I end up with a scramble anyway. Nothing beats protein for breakfast with veggies. I also have discovered a love for Sprouted Bread, which I have read is healthier than whole wheat. I love to toast it with a little butter or peanut butter...yum. Here's a typical scramble I make with Sprouted Bread for a side. Very simple, quick and healthy.

Egg Scramble with Veggies and fresh flat leaf parsley on top (Hubby's portion, lucky man).

My usual cut-up veggies prep. Once you have the rhythm down, it's so easy and quick.

I saute the veggies first with a little canola oil, set aside, cook eggs then add veggies back in.

Love this bread, a little on the pricey side but well worth it.

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