Thursday, March 29, 2012

No excuses!

When I first started my blog a couple years back my intent was to journal my journey through figuring out how to be a fit mom and how to eat right without all the craziness and nonsense that can sometimes accompany the attempt. I also wanted to inspire others, whether you're a busy mom or any woman wanting to make a healthy change, that it can be done. Even though as women, we want to be strong, fit and healthy, there are many excuses all of us can make to not workout or not eat well, but the bottom line is you just have to be stronger. I'm certainly imperfect in my journey, so I have to constantly remind myself of this, look to others for inspiration and I strive never to quit. There's always going to be bumps in the road and set backs, but there's always recovery too.

I've learned so much about myself through these past two years. One of the most humbling things I've done is run long distance by way of a Half Marathon (hopefully a full one day). Since my first Half, I've ran 3 more. It really shows you what you can accomplish with a little hard work and perseverance. Crossing the finish line is an unbelievable feeling. Another absolute love of mine is Yoga. I have a lot of love and respect for Yoga (Hot Yoga). I've also learned that it is absolutely imperative for well rounded fitness to do strength training, which is the most challenging for me (weight training is not my favorite activity). Lastly, I've learned that I hate diets (with tons of restrictions) and refuse to do is too short not to enjoy the cookies I love to bake (especially with my kiddos).

My approach to fitness
*stay real (dirty dishes are still in the sink because I chose to workout first)
*work hard, if you're making time out to exercise, make it count
*get knowledgeable
*do your favorite exercises but be open to the ones you least like because it's good for you
*move your body or get in a workout at least 20 minutes as day
*No excuses, don't quit

My approach to healthy eating
*stay real (I refuse to starve)
*choose as much whole foods as possible
*get knowledgeable
*80/20 rule, eat the bad stuff (if you must) only 20% of the time or less and watch your portions
*Treat yourself from time-to-time to the "real" deal (i.e. a homemade brownie with real butter), stay away from processed foods as much as possible
*Drink a ton of water!

This is a pretty easy salad I made after a 20 minute workout today (my 5 year old giving a thumbs up)
Mixed Greens
Tomato Slices
1 Hard Boiled Egg
1/2 Avocado
Chopped Roasted Almonds
Homemade Vinaigrette (EVOO, balsamic vinegar and a little spice)
Yummy! There are so many healthy foods out there that taste amazing, it just takes a little effort to prepare it.

This is me getting my 20 minute workout in before I had to pick up my 5 year old from preschool with baby sleeping in background (love Her!). That's real sweat I'm showing you on my hand just after 20 minutes of circuits. No excuses!

This is the Jillian Michaels exercise DVD I was working out to that I bought at Target. Maybe cheesy to some, but with a newborn and limited time, it allowed me to get a pretty good workout in, in 20 minutes. I can't say I've always been a fan of hers (I've seen only a handful of The Biggest Loser episodes), but she's a badass and I was definitely sweating. I have a few workout DVDs which I alternate to keep from getting bored. One of my favorites is the Express 15 by Gabby Reece (another badass gal, big fan), I combine two workouts to get a full body workout. It's great for busy moms.

My very basic exercise equipment that are worth its weight in gold (no pun). Love all of them!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Always Make Time for Breakfast {egg scramble & sprouted bread}

One of my favorite meals of the day is Breakfast. I'm a firm believer that no one should ever skip out on eating breakfast as it fuels you for your whole day. Usually I keep it simple, mainly oatmeal most days, but when I have a spare minute or two I love to make egg scrambles with veggies for me and my growing family. I don't usually do omelets for the sheer fact that they always fall apart on me, so I end up with a scramble anyway. Nothing beats protein for breakfast with veggies. I also have discovered a love for Sprouted Bread, which I have read is healthier than whole wheat. I love to toast it with a little butter or peanut butter...yum. Here's a typical scramble I make with Sprouted Bread for a side. Very simple, quick and healthy.

Egg Scramble with Veggies and fresh flat leaf parsley on top (Hubby's portion, lucky man).

My usual cut-up veggies prep. Once you have the rhythm down, it's so easy and quick.

I saute the veggies first with a little canola oil, set aside, cook eggs then add veggies back in.

Love this bread, a little on the pricey side but well worth it.