Monday, December 12, 2011

Eat and Eat More Often...

When I started training for 1/2 Marathons about 2 years ago now, I really had to rethink my strategy on food as fuel. Before I would eat relatively healthy but would only have 3 meals a day. After months and months of training, not only did my appetite get increasingly more demanding, but my body really needed to fuel and fuel more often. After reading countless articles both in fitness magazines and on the web, I decided that I would try to eat every 2-3 hours. What I have learned and have tried to incorporate every day:

1) It is best to eat within an hour after your metabolic fast meaning within an hour after you wake up in the morning.

2) Eat every 2-3 hours (set alarms if you have to) and not big portions (about 250-300 calories per meal, but if you're very active 400-450 is probably more realistic).

3) It is a good idea to eat a small but satisfying meal (example: whole toast w/peanut butter or a 12 oz. smoothie) before a workout. I know there are just some people who can not eat before a workout, but I almost always have to for energy, unless I do yoga - better to practice yoga on empty tummy.

4) Drink, drink, drink WATER...this is still very challenging for me and I work at. I'd rather drink coffee all day, if I could.

5) Make wise food choices for every meal, so it counts as good fuel. We all know the difference between nutrient rich and not. Basic rule, stay away, far away from processed!

6) Most important is just be conscious of food as fuel and TRY, but do not obsess on structuring meals perfectly. Also, learn to love the foods that are good for you...for me, that was oatmeal and a handful of veggies.

You want your body to use food it needs and not store what it does not need. The idea is not to let your blood sugar drop in levels which encourages overeating. Once your blood sugar level drops, the body goes into somewhat of a panic mode and eats up muscles and holds on to and stores fat for reserves. Eating smaller meals more frequently works for me. I know everyone is different and it takes planning (I won't lie), so find what works for you, and most of all move your body as much as you can and EAT well!

Here's a typically good day of eating for me:

Breakfast: between 6:30 am - 7:15 am (usually)
Oatmeal, oh - how I love thee...oatmeal with slivered almonds, sliced bananas, and a cup of coffee (decaf for now)

Lunch: between 12pm - 1:30 pm
Usually for lunch, I will have a salad with some sort of protein (mostly chicken) and lite dressing. Try to go for the rich green leaves, this is an ok example of a typical salad.

Dinner: between 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Although dinner in my household varies a lot, this might be one typical dinner. I am not afraid to eat pasta for dinner nor bread, my balance is I try to go for whole grains and/or whole wheat varieties. This meal: angel hair pasta with turkey meatballs and marinara sauce, homemade whole wheat buttermilk garlic herb biscuit, and a side of arugula salad (love the taste of arugula, so nutty and unique)

1st Snack: between 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Typically a simple banana, yogurt, or smoothie (I may even have a smoothie for breakfast)

2nd Snack: 1pm - 4pm
After lunch and before dinner, usually fruit (fresh or dried), a smoothie, whole wheat crackers, or nuts (usually almonds)

My weakness in snacking, CHOCOLATE! My counter measure: give in when I really want it! But, I try to have on hand some semi-sweet chocolate chips. A few of these usually takes care of any chocolate craving and I feel satisfied without the guilt. On the same note, I do eat dessert once or twice a week (maybe even 3), but again I try to go for the all natural (stuff the body can actually breakdown), preferably homemade and not from a box. Moderation, not deprivation!

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