Tuesday, August 21, 2012

NEW Blog Site!!! Please visit ActiveEats.com

Hi everyone,

I am happy to announce my blog{live active + eat fresh 365}has a NEW Name {Active Eats}and a NEW Home at:


Please come visit us.  I have new recipes, tips, pictures and a new look and feel to the site, which I hope will help spark inspiration for a healthy lifestyle to all my readers.

Thank you for your support and hope to see you at our new home.

Active Eats

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cracking the Nutrition Code...Glowing Green Juice

Amazing after workout fuel straight from our earth. 

It always seems to be just when I think I'm going in the right direction with my nutrition, I read something that enlightens me even further. Just when I think I have remotely "cracked the code," new nutrition information is available to me that makes me go, "hmmm that makes sense."  Then I find myself rethinking my "healthy eating" strategy once again.

I have recently read the book "The Beauty Detox Solution" by clinical nutritionist, Kimberly Snyder.  I know, I know, the title itself, makes it sound like another crash diet.  The book is far from that and has some really important information that I think everyone should know. It's a lifestyle change rather than a fad or crash anything. 

A few months back, I came across this book in a health magazine article featuring Kimberly Snyder.  I was immediately drawn to it because it displayed some pretty stunning yoga poses.  As I read on, I was really intrigued by her fitness and diet philosophy.  She is well known for her Glowing Green Smoothie recipe that she drinks everyday (there is also a Glowing Green Juice version).  

Her approach is simple, everything we eat (put in our bodies) affects our outward appearance and energy.  Digestion is the whole core of health and renewed vitality.  Beyond that she talks about how important it is to have the right food combination, the order in which you should eat certain foods, and a slew of myth busting information that will make you go "hmmmm." She herself is a hardcore raw foodist and stands behind the fact that this is how humans should eat to be healthy,  but the book will appeal to vegetarians and meat eaters alike.  By reading her book, she definitely has inspired me to bumped up mine and my family's vegetable intake by leaps and bounds (and we eat a lot of veggies already).  It never hurts to have even more spinach.

I have become a huge fan of Kimberly Snyder in just a few weeks.  She is Amazing!  She's a former marathon runner, yogi and overall True natural beauty.  You must read this book, it'll change your outlook on nutrition, no matter where you're at currently.

You can get Kimberly Snyder's book "The Beauty Detox Solution" on her blog/website www.kimberlysnyder.net  I would love to know what you think.

With my new found inspiration and in honor of our good friend Randy Wang's 27th birthday (co-host of The Pretty Good Podcast), I have posted Kimberly Snyder's Glowing Green Juice recipe below. Randy Wang is a dedicated juicer, six months strong and has lost 80lbs.  In fact, he inspired my hubby to get me a juicer for Mother's Day and I'm loving it.  Good on you Randy!  So proud of you, keep up the fitness and Happy Birthday!!!

Glowing Green Juice via my Breville juicer!  My hubby is a big fan, hence the two glasses.  Cheers!!!
Glowing Green Juice Recipe
Handful of Kale
Handful of Spinach
3-4 Stalks of Celery
1 Apple (cored)
1/2 of lemon (rind cut off)
Handful Cilantro (or Parsley)

Directions: Run ingredients through juicer.  Makes about 16oz.

Lunch: a big bowl of mixed greens, tomatoes, avocados, green bell peppers,  sprouts, and a dusting of flaxseed meal...oh, and homemade vinaigrette, always make your own dressing...Delish!