Sunday, February 26, 2012

Life With 3...

It's sad for me to say, this is my first post for the new year, but I have been a little busy. Happy belated new year to everyone! I hope its been a good year so far.

I think most of you by now know that I was due with baby #3 in February. Baby Tessa (as my hubby and I finally agreed on a name), was born 19 days early on January 27th. She was tiny and perfect at 5lbs 13ozs. and 19 inches long. Her birth was pretty exciting to say the least. To make a long story short, my water had broken the morning of the 27th. As my history with birthing would have it, I did not feel any contractions right away. My husband took me to be checked out by my midwife at noon and still no contractions and only 2 centimeters dilated. I was advised by BJ, my amazing midwife who helped birth my other two babies, to take Castor Oil to get the contractions going. Castor Oil acts as natural laxative that irritates your uterus if taken while pregnant and can get contractions started. I took some Castor Oil mixed with Root Beer, as recommended, at 3pm and finally I started feeling mild contractions by 7pm. By 8pm my contractions went from mild to "hello!" As we were packing up to go to the birthing center (where I was to have a natural birth anyway), baby Tessa was born at approximately 8:09pm at home. My awesome, amazing, and very calm husband caught the baby and everyone was fine and healthy. My midwife met us at the house 20 minutes later and did all the vitals on myself and the baby. I also can not forget to mention my sister was present and was an amazing help. It turned out to be an accidental "home birth", but a blessing in disguise.

Since then I get asked a lot of questions.

Was it scary? There was actually no time to be scared, as it happened so quick, and the complete confidence I had in my husband to take care of me and the baby was huge. And, having birth twice before, I kind of knew what I was in for. If this had been my first baby, it would probably have been a lot more scarier.

Why did you choose not to have an epidural? There is really no profound answer to this, but it's simple, over 7 years ago with the birth of my first daughter, after talking with many people about birth options, this is the path I chose and committed to with the very loving support of my husband and family, as I firmly believe the less drug intervention the better. When I can and able to, I go the natural route and granted my all my pregnancies were considered low risk which helped. Natural birthing aided by a midwife is something I am very passionate about and hope other women would consider it. Sure things can go wrong like with most anything, but having a child there is no guarantee, like most anything. It boils down to trust what your body was made to do, handle complications, if and any, as they come, have a solid support system (husband, sister, mom, midwife, friend, etc.) and most importantly know your options. It's often I have conversations about natural birthing and other women get so curious and ask a lot of questions and at the end of the conversations, they say "wow, I didn't know that was even an option." I certainly respect when a C-Section is needed and if a woman does not want to go the natural route for birthing. For me, this was the most amazing way to experience all 3 of my daughters births with my husband very involved with all 3 (especially the 3rd). It sounds crazy, but it's a magical moment to feel your body birthing, finding the calm all of us have, yet passed over by many out of fear. Although not easy at times, I appreciated every minute of it, the experience, for it's life changing.

So where are we now?!? Fast forward four weeks later and life with 3 kids...
1. The baby is four weeks old and thriving and older sisters are adjusting just fine
2. Our household just got even louder and I swear I do enough laundry a week for an entire village (of little people and one green giant)
3. I'm addicted to Pinterest and Polyvore (fun things to do to pass the time while breastfeeding at 1 or 2am in the morning)
4. I vaguely remember who my husband is...although he was sweet enough to take me to sushi the other night out of the nights, very important, even if its just to go grocery shopping at Trader's b/c the kids need lunches for school and milk...
5. I am overwhelmed with gratitude at all the help, food, gifts and well wishes we've received - in fact I have to get my thank you notes out...I hope my friends and family will forgive me
6. Sleep, I will meet up with you again one day...
7. I got my first 2 mile run in today...feels good to get these rickety legs going
8. I'm in heaven as I write this post (hoping there are not too many grammatical errors) , my older girls are playing (hopefully nicely) in the backyard, hubby went for a run and the baby is asleep on my chest.

Life is what you make it, appreciate every twist and's a beautiful day in SoCal.